30 filter

Written by Shirley Deng and last updated on 7 October 2021.

30.1 What is dplyr::filter() for?

The dplyr::filter() function is used to extract rows from a given dataframe following given criteria, and any rows that do not meet this criteria are dropped.

This criteria is written in the form of logical conditions that can be evaluated. For example, if a dataframe ToothGrowth has a variable called len for lengths, we can extract all of the rows such that len is equal to 22.0 with the expression len == 22.0. We can have one single condition, or several conditions.

Some useful functions and operators include the following:

dplyr::filter() is similar to extracting a subset of rows with square brackets in base R, []. However, in the case that evaluating our conditions on a row results in NAs, dplyr::filter() drops these rows whereas [] would continue to extract them. For this reason, dplyr::filter() may be preferred when there may be NAs.

30.2 What arguments does dplyr::filter() take?

  • .data: the dataframe we’re working with
  • ...: the conditions for the rows we want to extract
  • .preserve: whether or not we want to preserve the grouping of the .data dataframe

30.3 What value does dplyr::filter() return?

dplyr::filter() returns a dataframe retaining all of the same characteristics as the .data argument, except only a subset of the rows, based on the conditions or criteria we used to extract this subset. Namely, this means that the columns are unmodified, and the order of the rows remains the same.

30.4 Practice

How can we check if 2+2 is greater than or equal to 2*2? Try coding it below.

2+2 >= 2*2
#> [1] TRUE

30.5 Coding Examples

The following is code similar to that from the video lesson in the previous section.

First, we begin by installing the dplyr package:

install.packages("dplyr", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

Next, we load the dplyr package:

Now, we want to prepare a dataframe for us to work with. We will make use of the ToothGrowth dataset built into R.

We can take a look at what this dataset is about:


And take a look at the first few rows of observations:

#>    len supp dose
#> 1  4.2   VC  0.5
#> 2 11.5   VC  0.5
#> 3  7.3   VC  0.5
#> 4  5.8   VC  0.5
#> 5  6.4   VC  0.5
#> 6 10.0   VC  0.5

We want to add an additional variable for the colour of the guinea pigs.

We need to set a seed to ensure we get the same results every time the code is run. We chose the number 123:

Now, we create our colour variable by taking a sample of guinea pig fur colours. We use the sample() function for this:

colour <- sample(x=c("black", "brown", "grey", "cream", "white", "multi"),
#>  [1] "grey"  "multi" "grey"  "brown" "brown" "multi" "grey" 
#>  [8] "white" "cream" "multi" "multi" "black" "brown" "grey" 
#> [15] "white" "grey"  "grey"  "black" "cream" "black" "black"
#> [22] "white" "grey"  "brown" "brown" "black" "multi" "grey" 
#> [29] "cream" "multi" "black" "grey"  "white" "cream" "brown"
#> [36] "white" "black" "black" "brown" "grey"  "cream" "white"
#> [43] "white" "grey"  "multi" "black" "brown" "white" "white"
#> [50] "cream" "white" "brown" "black" "black" "grey"  "black"
#> [57] "multi" "white" "black" "brown"

And now we create a new dataframe that combines ToothGrowth with our colour variable using data.frame(). We’ll also take a look at the frist few observations.

guineas <- data.frame(ToothGrowth, colour)
#>    len supp dose colour
#> 1  4.2   VC  0.5   grey
#> 2 11.5   VC  0.5  multi
#> 3  7.3   VC  0.5   grey
#> 4  5.8   VC  0.5  brown
#> 5  6.4   VC  0.5  brown
#> 6 10.0   VC  0.5  multi

We notice that it looks the same as the original ToothGrowth dataframe, but with our added colour variable.

We can now move onto trying out the dplyr::filter() function!

First, we try extracting a subset of rows using only one condition: that the guinea pigs are brown in colour.

brown_guineas <- filter(guineas, colour == "brown")
#>     len supp dose colour
#> 1   5.8   VC  0.5  brown
#> 2   6.4   VC  0.5  brown
#> 3  15.2   VC  1.0  brown
#> 4  25.5   VC  2.0  brown
#> 5  26.4   VC  2.0  brown
#> 6  14.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 7  16.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 8  25.8   OJ  1.0  brown
#> 9  26.4   OJ  2.0  brown
#> 10 23.0   OJ  2.0  brown

Next, we try using two conditions: that the guinea pigs are white in colour, and received a supplement dosage of 1.0 mg/day.

white_1_guineas <- guineas %>% filter(colour == "white", dose == 1.0)
#>    len supp dose colour
#> 1 22.5   VC    1  white
#> 2 23.3   OJ    1  white
#> 3 23.6   OJ    1  white
#> 4 21.2   OJ    1  white
#> 5 14.5   OJ    1  white

Now, we want to see what happens when our conditions evaluate as NAs.

First, we try a condition that evaluates all of the rows as NAs with dplyr::filter():

no_guineas <- guineas %>% filter(dose/0 == 2)
#> [1] len    supp   dose   colour
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

And now with the square brackets [] in base R:

some_guineas <- guineas[guineas$dose /0 == 2]
#> data frame with 0 columns and 60 rows

We notice that using dplyr::filter() we extracted no rows, whereas using the square brackets we extracted all of the rows but no columns.

Lastly, we want to see how dplyr::filter() works on grouped dataframes.

We begin by greating a grouped version of our guineas dataframe, through grouping by colour:

grouped_guineas <- guineas %>% group_by(colour)
#> # A tibble: 60 × 4
#> # Groups:   colour [6]
#>      len supp   dose colour
#>    <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <chr> 
#>  1   4.2 VC      0.5 grey  
#>  2  11.5 VC      0.5 multi 
#>  3   7.3 VC      0.5 grey  
#>  4   5.8 VC      0.5 brown 
#>  5   6.4 VC      0.5 brown 
#>  6  10   VC      0.5 multi 
#>  7  11.2 VC      0.5 grey  
#>  8  11.2 VC      0.5 white 
#>  9   5.2 VC      0.5 cream 
#> 10   7   VC      0.5 multi 
#> # … with 50 more rows

And then we try filtering by receiving orange juice as the supplement, while preserving the grouping:

orange_grouped_guineas <- grouped_guineas %>% filter(supp == "OJ", preserve=TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 30 × 4
#> # Groups:   colour [6]
#>      len supp   dose colour
#>    <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <chr> 
#>  1  15.2 OJ      0.5 black 
#>  2  21.5 OJ      0.5 grey  
#>  3  17.6 OJ      0.5 white 
#>  4   9.7 OJ      0.5 cream 
#>  5  14.5 OJ      0.5 brown 
#>  6  10   OJ      0.5 white 
#>  7   8.2 OJ      0.5 black 
#>  8   9.4 OJ      0.5 black 
#>  9  16.5 OJ      0.5 brown 
#> 10   9.7 OJ      0.5 grey  
#> # … with 20 more rows

30.6 Exercises

Let’s go over some common mistakes, and then try using the filter() function ourselves.

Make sure you’re using == instead of =. Try changing the == to = below:

filter(guineas, colour == "brown")
#>     len supp dose colour
#> 1   5.8   VC  0.5  brown
#> 2   6.4   VC  0.5  brown
#> 3  15.2   VC  1.0  brown
#> 4  25.5   VC  2.0  brown
#> 5  26.4   VC  2.0  brown
#> 6  14.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 7  16.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 8  25.8   OJ  1.0  brown
#> 9  26.4   OJ  2.0  brown
#> 10 23.0   OJ  2.0  brown

Make sure you’re using quotation marks for strings, or R will read them as variable names. Try removing the quotation marks around brown below:

filter(guineas, colour == "brown")
#>     len supp dose colour
#> 1   5.8   VC  0.5  brown
#> 2   6.4   VC  0.5  brown
#> 3  15.2   VC  1.0  brown
#> 4  25.5   VC  2.0  brown
#> 5  26.4   VC  2.0  brown
#> 6  14.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 7  16.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 8  25.8   OJ  1.0  brown
#> 9  26.4   OJ  2.0  brown
#> 10 23.0   OJ  2.0  brown

Onto the exercises!

Extract all guinea pigs that were given the ascorbic acid Vitamin C supplement.

guineas %>% filter(supp=="VC")
#>     len supp dose colour
#> 1   4.2   VC  0.5   grey
#> 2  11.5   VC  0.5  multi
#> 3   7.3   VC  0.5   grey
#> 4   5.8   VC  0.5  brown
#> 5   6.4   VC  0.5  brown
#> 6  10.0   VC  0.5  multi
#> 7  11.2   VC  0.5   grey
#> 8  11.2   VC  0.5  white
#> 9   5.2   VC  0.5  cream
#> 10  7.0   VC  0.5  multi
#> 11 16.5   VC  1.0  multi
#> 12 16.5   VC  1.0  black
#> 13 15.2   VC  1.0  brown
#> 14 17.3   VC  1.0   grey
#> 15 22.5   VC  1.0  white
#> 16 17.3   VC  1.0   grey
#> 17 13.6   VC  1.0   grey
#> 18 14.5   VC  1.0  black
#> 19 18.8   VC  1.0  cream
#> 20 15.5   VC  1.0  black
#> 21 23.6   VC  2.0  black
#> 22 18.5   VC  2.0  white
#> 23 33.9   VC  2.0   grey
#> 24 25.5   VC  2.0  brown
#> 25 26.4   VC  2.0  brown
#> 26 32.5   VC  2.0  black
#> 27 26.7   VC  2.0  multi
#> 28 21.5   VC  2.0   grey
#> 29 23.3   VC  2.0  cream
#> 30 29.5   VC  2.0  multi

Extract all guinea pigs that were given the orange juice supplement at a dose of 0.5 mg/day.

guineas %>% filter(supp=="OJ", dose==0.5)
#>     len supp dose colour
#> 1  15.2   OJ  0.5  black
#> 2  21.5   OJ  0.5   grey
#> 3  17.6   OJ  0.5  white
#> 4   9.7   OJ  0.5  cream
#> 5  14.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 6  10.0   OJ  0.5  white
#> 7   8.2   OJ  0.5  black
#> 8   9.4   OJ  0.5  black
#> 9  16.5   OJ  0.5  brown
#> 10  9.7   OJ  0.5   grey

30.7 Additional Resources

30.8 Exercises

30.8.1 Question 1

30.8.2 Question 2

30.8.3 Question 3

30.8.4 Question 4

30.8.5 Question 5

30.8.6 Question 6

30.8.7 Question 7

30.8.8 Question 8

30.8.9 Question 9

30.8.10 Question 10