68 More on strings
Written by Annie Collins and last updated on 7 October 2021.
68.1 Introduction
In this lesson, we will be covering some additional functions that will help us work with text data. If you have not already done so, please feel free to look through the previous lesson “58: paste, paste0, glue and stringr” for more functions and examples of working with strings that might help your understanding of this lesson’s content.
In this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Expand deliminated text data in a data frame using
; and, - Extract and manipulate text data in character vectors using
, andstr_remove()
Prerequisite skills include:
- Some knowledge from the previous strings lesson in this module, as well as the
68.2 Separate text-based data frames using separate() and separate_rows()
and separate_rows()
allow you to split up a single column of text data in different ways.
divides a single column of text data into multiple columns. There are several arguments that allow you to specify how this is done. We will focus on the most significant ones to start:
Argument | Parameter | Details |
data | data frame | A data frame |
col | number OR string | The name or position of the column containing the data to be separated |
into | vector | A character vector of the names you wish to give to the newly created columns. You can omit columns by putting NA in the corresponding place within this vector. The length of your input must match the largest number of columns produced by separating one of the cells in col , otherwise the excess columns will be omitted |
sep | number OR string | Indicates how text will be separated. Defaults to splitting at any non-alpha numeric characters. If you use a number, the column will split at the specified position within each string. If you use a character, the text will split at every instance of that character and the character will be omitted from the outputted columns. |
To see separate()
in action, let’s look at the following data frame called dinner_party
which contains a list of guests for a dinner party and their food choices for a three course meal consisting of soup, salad, and a main course.
guest <- c("Annie", "Mariam", "Haoluan", "Shirley", "Rohan", "Sam")
food <- c("butternut squash, ceasar, lasagna", "italian wedding, garden, chicken", "italian wedding, ceasar, lasagna", "italian wedding, ceasar, lasagna", "butternut squash, garden, chicken", "butternut squash, garden, lasagna")
dinner_party <- data.frame(guest, food)
#> guest food
#> 1 Annie butternut squash, ceasar, lasagna
#> 2 Mariam italian wedding, garden, chicken
#> 3 Haoluan italian wedding, ceasar, lasagna
#> 4 Shirley italian wedding, ceasar, lasagna
#> 5 Rohan butternut squash, garden, chicken
#> 6 Sam butternut squash, garden, lasagna
Right now the guests’ orders are listed together in the column called food
, but the data might be easier to read if each person’s order for each course was in its own column. Observe the code below to see how this can be accomplished.
separate(dinner_party, food, c("soup", "salad", "main course"), sep = ",")
#> guest soup salad main course
#> 1 Annie butternut squash ceasar lasagna
#> 2 Mariam italian wedding garden chicken
#> 3 Haoluan italian wedding ceasar lasagna
#> 4 Shirley italian wedding ceasar lasagna
#> 5 Rohan butternut squash garden chicken
#> 6 Sam butternut squash garden lasagna
# We can also exlude the salad column in the output by using the following code instead
# separate(dinner_party, food, c("soup", NA, "main course"), sep = ",")
Using separate()
, we now can see each course as its own column and all the commas have been removed. Note that it’s important to specify sep = ","
in this case, since the default option would separate by spaces as well and split soup orders into separate columns which is not practical for our needs.
We can split up the information contained in the food
column in a different way using separate_rows()
. As the name might suggest, this function will split each string into distinct rows instead of columns. The syntax and arguments are similar to separate()
Argument | Parameter | Details |
data | data frame | A data frame |
… | string | The name(s) of the column(s) containing the data to be separated. Multiple columns can be inputted if their lengths are compatible (i.e. the same number of new rows will be created once they are separated). Otherwise, an error will be raised. |
sep | number OR string | Character between values to be separated. Defaults to any non-alpha-numeric characters. |
Notice that we don’t need to worry about the name or number of new columns since none will be created. Once the data in the indicated column(s) has separated into additional rows, the data from accompanying columns will be duplicated to fill in the new row’s remaining cells.
Run the code below and observe the difference between separate()
and separate_rows()
separate_rows(dinner_party, food, sep = ",")
#> # A tibble: 18 × 2
#> guest food
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Annie "butternut squash"
#> 2 Annie " ceasar"
#> 3 Annie " lasagna"
#> 4 Mariam "italian wedding"
#> 5 Mariam " garden"
#> 6 Mariam " chicken"
#> 7 Haoluan "italian wedding"
#> 8 Haoluan " ceasar"
#> 9 Haoluan " lasagna"
#> 10 Shirley "italian wedding"
#> 11 Shirley " ceasar"
#> 12 Shirley " lasagna"
#> 13 Rohan "butternut squash"
#> 14 Rohan " garden"
#> 15 Rohan " chicken"
#> 16 Sam "butternut squash"
#> 17 Sam " garden"
#> 18 Sam " lasagna"
68.3 Trouble Shooting separate()
Sometimes it is hard to know exactly how many columns your data will create when using separate()
, which can lead to errors or unintended results when specifying the into
argument. The function comes with a few additional arguments to help you control what happens in these scenarios. Note that this applies only when sep
is a string, since if sep
is numeric the column in question is always separated into two columns at the indicated location.
Argument | Parameter | Details |
extra | string | Used to control what happens if there are extra columns created once all the names from sep are used. There are two options (not including the default, “warn”): “drop”, which will exclude any additional columns created, or “merge”, which will split the text at most length(into) times (so the last column indicated by into will contain unseparated data). |
fill | string | Used to control what happens if there are not enough columns created to match the names indicated in into . There are two options (not including the default, “warn”): “right”, which fills the data frame with missing values on the right, and “left”, which fills the data frame with missing values on the left of the actual data. |
Run and edit the code below and observe the difference between the scenarios.
letters <- data.frame(x = c("a.b", "a.b.c", "a.b.c.d"))
#> x
#> 1 a.b
#> 2 a.b.c
#> 3 a.b.c.d
# Too many columns created - try "drop" and "merge" in place of "warn"
separate(letters, x, c("A", "B"), extra = "warn")
#> Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Additional pieces discarded in 2
#> rows [2, 3].
#> A B
#> 1 a b
#> 2 a b
#> 3 a b
# Not enough columns created - try "left" and "right" in place of "warn"
separate(letters, x, c("A", "B", "C", "D"), fill = "warn")
#> Warning: Expected 4 pieces. Missing pieces filled with `NA`
#> in 2 rows [1, 2].
#> A B C D
#> 1 a b <NA> <NA>
#> 2 a b c <NA>
#> 3 a b c d
68.4 Working with text data using str_match() and str_remove()
and str_remove()
are functions from the stringr
package that can be used to manipulate character vectors in different ways.
identifies the first instance of a given pattern within each element of a character vector by returning a new vector indicating the string found that matches the pattern. This is particularly useful for data that follows a set structure, such as phone numbers or postal codes. str_match()
returns a character matrix, in which the first column contains the complete match and subsequent columns contain any matching sub-groups within the full match.
removes the first instance of a given pattern within each string in a character vector, returning an updated character vector.
Both functions take the same two arguments:
Argument | Parameter | Details |
string | vector | Your character vector |
pattern | string | The pattern to look for in string (either a general pattern or a specific string). |
Consider this vector called postal_codes
containing 30 Toronto postal codes.
#> [1] "M5S2W8" "M5S5G5" "M4W3X2" "M5T3T3" "M4V9F6" "M4V6V9"
#> [7] "M4V5K4" "M5T8U1" "M4V1V6" "M5R6X1" "M4Y7R8" "M5S5R9"
#> [13] "M4Y7N6" "M4W2S9" "M5S5X9" "M4V8K3" "M4V8K1" "M5T3B9"
#> [19] "M5S2Q7" "M5S5A4" "M4V5S4" "M5T1V4" "M5S5E2" "M4V9U6"
#> [25] "M5R8B8" "M4Y2K9" "M5R7T9" "M4W8M8" "M4Y8T7" "M5T7D1"
Suppose we want to identify the postal codes in this vector from areas surrounding the University of Toronto, which begin with “M5S.” We can use the code below to do so.
str_match(postal_codes, "M5S[1-9][A-Z][1-9]")
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "M5S2W8"
#> [2,] "M5S5G5"
#> [3,] NA
#> [4,] NA
#> [5,] NA
#> [6,] NA
#> [7,] NA
#> [8,] NA
#> [9,] NA
#> [10,] NA
#> [11,] NA
#> [12,] "M5S5R9"
#> [13,] NA
#> [14,] NA
#> [15,] "M5S5X9"
#> [16,] NA
#> [17,] NA
#> [18,] NA
#> [19,] "M5S2Q7"
#> [20,] "M5S5A4"
#> [21,] NA
#> [22,] NA
#> [23,] "M5S5E2"
#> [24,] NA
#> [25,] NA
#> [26,] NA
#> [27,] NA
#> [28,] NA
#> [29,] NA
#> [30,] NA
# The input for pattern here essentially means "M5S followed by any combination of the format number-letter-number"
We now have a vector containing only the postal codes of interest. Now suppose we actually wanted to remove these postal codes from the original data. This is where we could use str_remove()
str_remove(postal_codes, "M5S[1-9][A-Z][1-9]")
#> [1] "" "" "M4W3X2" "M5T3T3" "M4V9F6" "M4V6V9"
#> [7] "M4V5K4" "M5T8U1" "M4V1V6" "M5R6X1" "M4Y7R8" ""
#> [13] "M4Y7N6" "M4W2S9" "" "M4V8K3" "M4V8K1" "M5T3B9"
#> [19] "" "" "M4V5S4" "M5T1V4" "" "M4V9U6"
#> [25] "M5R8B8" "M4Y2K9" "M5R7T9" "M4W8M8" "M4Y8T7" "M5T7D1"
We now have a vector with blank strings instead of postal codes that begin with “M5S.” We can further manipulate the output of either of these functions to remove evidence of missing or blank values entirely.
# Identify only postal codes near the University of Toronto
m5s_codes <- str_match(postal_codes, "M5S[1-9][A-Z][1-9]")
#> [1] "M5S2W8" "M5S5G5" "M5S5R9" "M5S5X9" "M5S2Q7" "M5S5A4"
#> [7] "M5S5E2"
# Identify only postal codes NOT near the University of Toronto
remove_m5s_codes <- str_remove(postal_codes, "M5S[1-9][A-Z][1-9]")
remove_m5s_codes[remove_m5s_codes != ""]
#> [1] "M4W3X2" "M5T3T3" "M4V9F6" "M4V6V9" "M4V5K4" "M5T8U1"
#> [7] "M4V1V6" "M5R6X1" "M4Y7R8" "M4Y7N6" "M4W2S9" "M4V8K3"
#> [13] "M4V8K1" "M5T3B9" "M4V5S4" "M5T1V4" "M4V9U6" "M5R8B8"
#> [19] "M4Y2K9" "M5R7T9" "M4W8M8" "M4Y8T7" "M5T7D1"
It is important to note that str_match()
and str_detect()
only operate on the first instance of the indicated pattern within each element of a string (this isn’t so obvious in our postal code example since each string is rather simple and short). Both str_match()
and str_remove()
have accompanying functions str_match_all()
and str_remove_all()
which apply their functionality to every instance of the inputted pattern within the inputted character vector. Run the code below on a simpler vector to examine the difference.
# Match
rhyme <- c("she", "sells", "sea", "shells")
str_match(rhyme, "s")
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "s"
#> [2,] "s"
#> [3,] "s"
#> [4,] "s"
str_match_all(rhyme, "s")
#> [[1]]
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "s"
#> [[2]]
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "s"
#> [2,] "s"
#> [[3]]
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "s"
#> [[4]]
#> [,1]
#> [1,] "s"
#> [2,] "s"
# Remove
rhyme <- c("she", "sells", "sea", "shells")
str_remove(rhyme, "s")
#> [1] "he" "ells" "ea" "hells"
str_remove_all(rhyme, "s")
#> [1] "he" "ell" "ea" "hell"
68.5 Next Steps
Now that you are familiar with some functions that work with strings, you are well set up to explore other features that stringr
has to offer. A good place to start is the stringr
cheatsheet which outlines a myriad of tools for working with strings and text-based data in R.
68.6 Exercises
These questions will refer to the following data set called groceries
#> food
#> 1 bananas,apples,rice,noodles,tofu,pizza
#> drinks
#> 1 tea,coffee,juice,wine
68.6.1 Question 1
How many rows will the output of separate_rows(groceries, drinks)
- 4
- 5
- 6
- An error will occur
68.6.2 Question 2
How many rows will the output of separate_rows(groceries, food, drinks)
- 4
- 5
- 6
- An error will occur
68.6.3 Question 3
Suppose I execute separate(groceries, drinks, into=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), fill="left")
. What will the second column (“A”) of the outputted data frame contain?
- “bananas,apples,rice,noodles,tofu,pizza”
- “tea”
- NA
- An error will occur
68.6.4 Question 4
Suppose I execute separate(groceries, drinks, into=c("A", "B", "C"), extra="merge")
. What will the final column of the outputted data frame contain?
- “juice”
- “wine”
- “juice,wine”
- An error will occur
68.6.5 Question 5
Which of the following lines of code would produce this data frame:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#> food `1` `2` `3` `4`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 bananas tea coffee juice wine
#> 2 apples tea coffee juice wine
#> 3 rice tea coffee juice wine
#> 4 noodles tea coffee juice wine
#> 5 tofu tea coffee juice wine
#> 6 pizza tea coffee juice wine
groceries %>% separate_rows(food)
groceries %>% separate_rows(drinks, into=c("1", "2", "3", "4"))
groceries %>% separate(drinks, into=c("1", "2", "3", "4"))
groceries %>% separate(drinks, into=c("1", "2", "3", "4")) %>% separate_rows(food)
68.6.6 Question 6
Using the postal_codes
data from previous examples, which of the following lines of code would result in an object containing only letters?
postal_codes %>% str_remove("[1-9]")
postal_codes %>% str_remove_all("[1-9]")
postal_codes %>% str_match("[1-9]")
postal_codes %>% str_match_all("[1-9]")
68.6.7 Question 7
Which of the following best describes the output of postal_codes %>% str_match("M5S[1-9][A-Z][1-9]") %>% str_remove("M5S")
- A vector that contains only the last three characters of all postal codes beginning with “M5S”
- A vector that contains the last three characters of all postal codes from
beginning with “M5S” andNA
values at all indices that do not meet this criteria - A vector that contains only entries from
that do not contain “M5S” - A vector that contains only entries from
that do not contain “M5S” andNA
values at all indices that do not meet this criteria