35 Pivoting data from long to wide and vice versa
Written by Annie Collins and last updated on 7 October 2021.
35.1 Introduction
In this lesson, you will learn how to:
- Use the function
to manipulate a data frame or tibble. - Use the function
to manipulate a data frame or tibble.
This lesson is a yellow level skill and is part of “Tidyverse Essentials.” Prerequisite skills include:
- Installing packages
- Calling libraries
- Importing data
35.2 pivot_longer()
takes the inputted dataset and makes it longer by rearranging its data to increase the number of rows and decrease the number of columns. Here, we consider “longer” in the vertical sense – a “longer” dataset has a larger number of cells from top to bottom than a “shorter” dataset.
35.2.1 Introductory Example
This dataset (called games
) contains a list of NBA teams and their win/loss record over the course of 10 games.
#> teams gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 gm5
#> 1 Toronto Raptors l l w w w
#> 2 Los Angeles Lakers l w w l w
#> 3 Boston Celtics w l l l w
#> 4 Golden State Warriors l w l l w
#> 5 Miami Heat l l w w l
Observe the effect the following code has on the data set. Take note of the difference in the number of rows and columns between the two tables. This will be visualized and explained in greater detail in the following step.
pivot_longer(games, cols = c(gm1, gm2, gm3, gm4, gm5), names_to = "game number", values_to = "status")
#> # A tibble: 25 × 3
#> teams `game number` status
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Toronto Raptors gm1 l
#> 2 Toronto Raptors gm2 l
#> 3 Toronto Raptors gm3 w
#> 4 Toronto Raptors gm4 w
#> 5 Toronto Raptors gm5 w
#> 6 Los Angeles Lakers gm1 l
#> 7 Los Angeles Lakers gm2 w
#> 8 Los Angeles Lakers gm3 w
#> 9 Los Angeles Lakers gm4 l
#> 10 Los Angeles Lakers gm5 w
#> # … with 15 more rows
35.3 Visualizing pivot_longer()
This video will guide you through the changes that occur when applying pivot_longer()
to our dataset.
35.4 pivot_longer() Arguments
Now let’s get a bit more specific.
You just executed the command pivot_longer(data = games, cols = c(gm1, gm2, gm3, gm4, gm5), names_to = "game number", values_to = "status")
. What do each of the arguments within the brackets mean?
data: the name of our dataframe, in this case
.cols: the names of the columns that will be “pivoting” or changing into a longer format. In our example, we select all columns representing a single game, which are columns “gm1” through “gm5.” We could have also written
(all columns except “teams”) orstarts_with("gm")
(all the columns with a name that starts with “gm”).names_to: a new name for the column that will be created from the former column names in cols. After pivoting, the former distinct columns are now all stored within one column themselves, and this argument lets you give this adjusted column a descriptive new name. If left blank, the new column name will automatically be set to “names.” In our example, we named the column “game number” since it contains “gm1” through “gm5”.
values_to: similar to names_to, this represents a new name for the column created for the data that was originally stored in each individual cell. If left blank, the new column name will automatically be set to “values.” In our example, we set the name to “status” since the column contains information representing each team’s win or loss outcome for a given game.
35.5 pivot_wider()
takes the inputted dataset and makes it wider by rearranging its data to decrease the number of rows and increase the number of columns. pivot_wider()
is essentially the inverse of pivot_longer()
- the two transformations can be used to switch a data frame back and forth between its “longer” and “wider” forms.
35.5.1 Introductory Example
This is a dataset called games_long
, a “longer” version of games
(the result of applying pivot_longer()
to the original data frame).
#> # A tibble: 25 × 3
#> teams `game number` status
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Toronto Raptors gm1 l
#> 2 Toronto Raptors gm2 l
#> 3 Toronto Raptors gm3 w
#> 4 Toronto Raptors gm4 w
#> 5 Toronto Raptors gm5 w
#> 6 Los Angeles Lakers gm1 l
#> 7 Los Angeles Lakers gm2 w
#> 8 Los Angeles Lakers gm3 w
#> 9 Los Angeles Lakers gm4 l
#> 10 Los Angeles Lakers gm5 w
#> # … with 15 more rows
Observe the effect the following code has on the data set. Take note of the difference in the number of rows and columns between the two tables.
pivot_wider(data = games_long, names_from = "game number", values_from = status)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 6
#> teams gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 gm5
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Toronto Raptors l l w w w
#> 2 Los Angeles Lakers l w w l w
#> 3 Boston Celtics w l l l w
#> 4 Golden State Warriors l w l l w
#> 5 Miami Heat l l w w l
35.6 Visualizing pivot_wider()
This video will guide you through the changes that occur when applying pivot_wider()
to our data frame.
35.7 pivot_wider() Arguments
You just executed the command pivot_wider(data = games, names_from = "game number", values_from = status)
. What do each of the arguments within the brackets mean?
data: the name of our dataframe, in this case
.names_from: the column containing the names which will be given to the new columns once the data frame is pivoted. In our example, we use “game number” since we want each column to contain information for a specific game.
values_from: the name (or names, in a vector) of the column containing values that will be stored at the cell level within each new column once the data frame is pivoted. In our example, we use “status” since we want each team’s win or loss results recorded in the appropriate game’s column and the appropriate team’s row.
35.8 Other Optional Arguments
35.8.1 pivot_longer()
- names_prefix = “…”: Removes a the stated common prefix from the beginning of each pivoted column name.
- values_drop_na = TRUE: If TRUE, this will remove rows containing only missing (NA) values in the values_to column.
35.8.2 pivot_wider()
names_prefix = “…”: Adds the stated string to the beginning of each new column name from
names from
argument. This may be useful if the data contained innames_from
is numeric and you wish to add a descriptive prefix.values_fill = “…”: replaces any missing or NA values in
with the inputted string or value.names_sort = TRUE: sorts the columns by name instead of in order of appearance.
names_sep = “…”: if
contains multiple variables (in the form of a vector),names_sep
allows you to state a specific string that will be used to join their names together into a single string as a column name (for example, “.” or "_").
35.9 Common Mistakes & Errors
- If you want to keep your dataframe in its longer or wider version, make sure to assign or reassign it to a variable when you execute
. For example, if you wish “games” to now represent the longer version of games instead of the original, you must writegames <- pivot_longer(data=games, ...)
Error in UseMethod(“pivot_longer”) : no applicable method for ‘pivot_longer’ applied to an object of class “c(‘matrix,’ ‘array,’ ‘character’)”
- pivot_longer() only works on dataframes (not lists, character vectors, etc.). If you are working with something that isn’t a dataframe, you can use the function
to turn your data from its original format into a dataframe.
35.10 Next Steps
- Try more complicated pivots, like pivoting into multiple new columns at once or combining boolean statements.
- Switch your dataframe between formats using
as inverse functions.
35.11 Exercises
35.11.1 Question 1
Which of the following is generally a desired effect of executing pivot_longer()
on a data frame?
- Increase number of columns
- Increase number of rows
- Decrease number of values
- None of the above
35.11.2 Question 2
Which of the following is generally a desired effect of executing pivot_wider()
on a data frame?
- Increase number of columns
- Increase number of rows
- Decrease number of values
- None of the above
35.11.3 Question 3
Please reference this table representing different pizza topping combinations for Questions 3 through 5:
#> type top1 top2
#> 1 classic cheese pepperoni
#> 2 hawaiian ham pineapple
#> 3 veggie mushrooms peppers
If pivot_longer()
was applied to this dataframe on columns ‘top1’ and ‘top2,’ how many rows would the output have (not including the header)?
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
35.11.4 Question 4
If pivot_longer()
was applied to this dataframe on columns ‘top1’ and ‘top2,’ how many times would the word ‘pineapple’ appear in the outputted dataframe?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
35.11.5 Question 5
If pivot_longer()
was applied to this dataframe on columns ‘top1’ and ‘top2,’ what would the fourth row (not including header) of the outputted dataframe contain?
- veggie, top1, mushrooms
- veggie, top2, peppers
- hawaiian, top1, ham
- hawaiian, top2, pineapple
35.11.6 Question 6
Please reference the following table representing different pizza topping combinations for Question 6 through 8:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> type number topping
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 classic top1 cheese
#> 2 classic top2 pepperoni
#> 3 hawaiian top1 ham
#> 4 hawaiian top2 pineapple
#> 5 veggie top1 mushrooms
#> 6 veggie top2 peppers
If pivot_wider()
was applied to this dataframe with names from “number” and values from “topping,” how many columns would the output have?
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
35.11.7 Question 7
If pivot_wider()
was applied to this dataframe with names from “number” and values from “topping,” how many times would the type “classic” appear in the output?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
35.11.8 Question 8
If pivot_wider()
was applied to this dataframe with names from “number” and values from “topping,” what would the column names be?
- type, top1, top2
- classic, hawaiian, veggie
- type, number, topping
- classic, cheese, pepperoni
35.11.9 Question 9
Please refer to the following data sets, games1
and games2
, for Questions 9 and 10.
#> teams gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 gm5
#> 1 Toronto Raptors <NA> <NA> w w w
#> 2 Los Angeles Lakers <NA> w w <NA> w
#> 3 Boston Celtics w <NA> <NA> <NA> w
#> 4 Golden State Warriors <NA> w <NA> <NA> w
#> 5 Miami Heat <NA> <NA> w w <NA>
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#> teams name value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Toronto Raptors gm3 w
#> 2 Toronto Raptors gm4 w
#> 3 Toronto Raptors gm5 w
#> 4 Los Angeles Lakers gm2 w
#> 5 Los Angeles Lakers gm3 w
#> 6 Los Angeles Lakers gm5 w
#> 7 Boston Celtics gm1 w
#> 8 Boston Celtics gm5 w
#> 9 Golden State Warriors gm2 w
#> 10 Golden State Warriors gm5 w
#> 11 Miami Heat gm3 w
#> 12 Miami Heat gm4 w
Which of the following lines of code will convert games1
to games2
pivot_wider(games1, cols = teams, values_drop_na = TRUE)
pivot_longer(games1, cols = teams, na.rm = TRUE)
pivot_longer(games1, cols = c(gm1, gm2, gm3, gm4, gm5), na.rm = TRUE)
pivot_longer(games1, cols = c(gm1, gm2, gm3, gm4, gm5), values_drop_na = TRUE)
35.11.10 Question 10
Which of the following lines of code will convert games2
to the original games
data set?
pivot_wider(games2, names_from = name, values_from = value, values_fill = "l", values_sort = TRUE)
pivot_wider(games2, names_from = name, values_from = value, values_fill = NA)
pivot_longer(games2, names_from = name, values_from = value, values_fill = NA)
pivot_wider(games2, names_from = name, values_from = value, values_fill = "l", names_sort = TRUE)